Why homestead?

Why would this fortysomething, almost empty nester, want to attempt homesteading? Maybe I’ve played too much Hay Day. Maybe I’m overwhelmed with my working suburban mom lifestyle. Maybe I really miss my departed dad, the one who gave me the bug for working on land of one’s own and being somewhat self-reliant. The answer is probably all of the above.

I’ve done a lot of reading, thinking, and planning about it over the last three years. Now its time to take some action.

Here I’ll write about what I learn as I go and share my favorite resources.

For reference, I’m in gardening zone 3B. My starting point is a suburban 1600 sq ft home on a 1/4 acre pie lot in a cul de sac, a 15 minute commute to my day job in a windowless office. Backyard livestock is illegal here. My husband is handy. I am not.